Unfortunately, in general, eBooks cannot be Interlibrary loaned. There are many different restrictions on use and access of eBooks, which includes preventing loaning them to individuals outside of the owning library's patrons.
You can, however, always suggest we purchase a title. In Libby, you can search for titles not in our collection and click its "Notify Me" smart tab, which will anonymously share your interest with our collection development team.
You can also suggest eBook and audiobook purchases through our website by logging into, clicking the Services tab, then Suggest a Purchase. Click Add Suggestion to make a request, and check this page again later for updates on your requests.
You can also suggest purchases through OverDrive:
If you do not see the title you're looking for, it is not available for OPL to purchase as eBook or eAudiobook.
If the title you requested does not appear in our OverDrive catalog within a month after your request, OPL was not able to purchase it.